Abby Rose Kuchta

Well here she is the long but not as long awaited Abby Rose. She came to us three weeks early which had us totally unprepaired. I took Gina in to the hospital on the 28th because she had a headache. No thought came to us that within 17 hours we would have a new little one. Okay so unprepairedness is our style but I dropped Makayla off at Moms with three diapers and no change of clothes, we had no bag packed for Gina or Abby.
It was a long drawn out night of us thinking we would be going home at anytime. First Gina was at 2-3cm which she stayed at for some time. Then talk of maybe false labor so we figured another hour or two and back to home. Then the next nurse check Gina was at 4cm and stuck for quite a long time and again talk of going home??? At 2am our doctor came in and anouced that she was going to break Gina's water so finally we knew baby was enevitible. Thinking that it's going to go quick from here on out was totally wrong. Now stuck at 7cm and after no progress they gave potocin which took effect pretty quick.
Special Delivery:
It was about 9:30am and we knew Abby was coming any minute. It was just me and Gina in the delivery room and thought that's the way it was going to end up. But just in time Mom pokes her head in and joins the fun. Next hessitantly Erin shows up and also joins. Man it was great that they could support me during this time of stress. Gina keeps telling me they were most likely there for her but they were a big help either way. Seriously it was great having them there.
August 29, 2007 @ 10:11am
Abby Rose was born a perfect 6lbs 9ozs. and 18 1/2 inches. She has been doing great. She is a little jondous but we have UV lights that should help out great. I'll keep ya all posted.