Wow nine weeks now

Well it has been just over nine weeks since the birth of Abby and it has just flown by. It's amazing how fast time goes when you have kids. It doesn't seem right that Makayla is just a few months away from three years old. Abby is changing every day now always learning something new. She is getting very smiley and very alert. She's a pro at keeping her head steady except when I make her stand. Her head shakes like she's going to turn into the Incredible Hulkette.
We have had a fun couple of weeks with Halloween going on. We went to Boo at the Zoo and Makayla had a blast this year gathering all the goodies she could until her sleepiness took over and I had to carry her the last half with her head on my shoulder. At least she still had enough energy to hold one side of her bag and me holding the other side so treats could still get thrown in. We also went to Vala's Pumpkin Patch which is always fun. Makayla's best buddy Mimi went with us this year. I swear those two are inseparable when together (oxymoron?). Makayla has so much fun with Kathy and is constantly talking about her. The main reason we go to Vala's seems to be for the animals. Makayla is absolutely fearless of them, she just stuck her hand in and let the goats or donkey eat right out of her hand with no hesitation. I was especially proud of Kathy for feeding the goats, she has a little issue with germs.
Other news is that we now have a new furnace. We found out a week or so ago that our heat exchanger was cracked so we went a week with out heat. It's amazing the things in life we take for granted until we don't have them. Gina and the kids stayed at Mom & Dads for a couple of days and the other couple at her parents in Omaha. While I stayed home with Snickers. It got at the coldest 53 degrees in the house, but don't worry we kept each other warm and we both made it through the cold nights.
We have had a fun couple of weeks with Halloween going on. We went to Boo at the Zoo and Makayla had a blast this year gathering all the goodies she could until her sleepiness took over and I had to carry her the last half with her head on my shoulder. At least she still had enough energy to hold one side of her bag and me holding the other side so treats could still get thrown in. We also went to Vala's Pumpkin Patch which is always fun. Makayla's best buddy Mimi went with us this year. I swear those two are inseparable when together (oxymoron?). Makayla has so much fun with Kathy and is constantly talking about her. The main reason we go to Vala's seems to be for the animals. Makayla is absolutely fearless of them, she just stuck her hand in and let the goats or donkey eat right out of her hand with no hesitation. I was especially proud of Kathy for feeding the goats, she has a little issue with germs.
Other news is that we now have a new furnace. We found out a week or so ago that our heat exchanger was cracked so we went a week with out heat. It's amazing the things in life we take for granted until we don't have them. Gina and the kids stayed at Mom & Dads for a couple of days and the other couple at her parents in Omaha. While I stayed home with Snickers. It got at the coldest 53 degrees in the house, but don't worry we kept each other warm and we both made it through the cold nights.