I'm still a blogger!

I know it's been a long time since I've blogged "4 months or so" but today a little update. Easter was fantastic and we all had a great time at the Daniel's. I don't think Makayla eat one good thing for her yesterday but isn't that what Easter is all about for a three year old? Makayla & Abby are doing great and growing way to fast. Makayla turns three fingers old in just about three weeks and we're throwing a b-day party on Sunday April 13th which should be a blast for the kiddo's.
Three- I thought people always said watch out for the terrible two's but it's more like the ferocious three's. I mean holy crap this girl can have a tantrum, throw yourself on the ground kicking and screaming "Bloody Murder". Abby on the other hand is a little angle right now. She doesn't cry, scream or do anything that shows she's not happy, she is so laid back and smiles at everything. She loves to sleep which is kinda hard on Gina and I because we don't get home until 5:30 & 6:00 and her bedtime is at the latest 6:45 so we don't get to spend a lot of time with her. I'm sure that will be changing as she gets a little older and with summer coming she can't be going to bed that early if she's to learn how to swim.