2008 Vala's Pumpkin Patch

Yesterday was our annual visit to Vala's Pumpkin Patch. This year we had two more to go with us, our good friend Steph and of course Abby. Last year Abby had to sit out our trip being only about two months old. The day was absolutely prefect with the weather being so beautiful. It was so busy yesterday that it took us over an hour just to park the car but that too was fun and was just part of the experience. We spent a lot of time standing in lines but actually saw a ton more than we have any other year. Makayla as you can tell from the picture got her face painted- it's a pumpkin if you couldn't tell. We waited for over an hour just for that but it was well worth it when she was done because she was so excited and proud. Abby on the other hand was not so excited about Makayla's face, it just plain freaked her out. Every time Makayla would look at her Abby would stick out her bottom lip and start to ball.
There is nothing better in life then when you take your kids on these fun little outings. To see their faces and how even the small things in life can make them so happy. After we were done picking out our pumpkins we packed everything up and got the kids in the car. Abby was asleep before we even left the parking lot and Makayla was close after. Like Gina said "you know the girls had fun when they're both asleep within five minutes". When we got home we were making dinner and Makayla walked up to me with a wipe as dirty as can be. I asked her what she was doing and she said the paint was making Abby cry and she wanted to clean it off so it wouldn't scare her anymore. I thought that was so unselfish of her because she was so excited about having it done. I didn't think we would ever get her to wash her face but Makayla loves her little sister and use to her laughing with her not crying at her. Makayla is such a sweet girl when it comes to her Abbs.