Yesterday Makayla had her first Easter Egg Hunt of the year at Lincoln Benefit Life. She was in awe of Mr. & Mrs. Easter Bunny, she would just stand there and stare at them but wouldn't get to close. We tried to get her to sit on the bunnies lap but when we got her up there she would just back away very slowly. There's something about big bunnies that scare me so I don't blame Makayla for being a little hesitant they were truly scary looking. I must say if I didn't have Makayla's help with the egg hunt I probly wouldn't have found any because they hid them very well as you can tell by the picture. Makayla will have a very busy weekend as she has two more egg hunts one at Friend, NE and one at Grammy & Pops.
Makayla has been having a rough week. On Sunday she had tripped and bit her bottom lip really bad with blood gushing. Click on Makayla's pic on Mom's blog real good pic of it. Then during the Egg hunt yesterday she did a face plant on the concrete and scraped her nose up. I swear she is a walking accident like her mother. This age kids are just so fearless it makes me nervous what's going to happen next. Makayla's a tough little cookie she usually picks herself up dusts off and laughs only to find the next accident.